1. |
What are the Benefits for an OCI card holder |
An OCI [Overseas Citizen of India] card holder gets the following benefits:
- A multiple entry, multi-purpose life-long visa for visiting India.
- Exemption from registration with local police authority for any length of stay in India.
- Parity with Non-resident Indians (NRIs) in respect of economic, financial and educational fields, except in relation to acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.
- OCI can be used as identity proof for application of PAN Card and driving license as well as for opening a bank account if the OCI card holder is residing in India.
2. |
What are the benefits which an OCI Card holder is not entitled to: |
The OCI Card holder is not entitled:
- to vote,
- to be a member of a Legislative Assembly or of a Legislative Council or of the Parliament of India,
- to hold Indian constitutional posts such as that of the President, Vice President, Judge of the Supreme Court or High Court etc.
- He/she cannot normally hold employment in the Government
3. |
Are Minor children eligible for OCI Card? |
Yes. If either of the parents is eligible for OCI Card or holds Indian passport. |
4. |
Do I have to fill all columns when filling up the application online? |
Yes. It is mandatory that no column is left unanswered. |
5. |
Can I submit my OCI application through an agent? |
No. OCI applications can be submitted either at the Counter of the High Commission of India, Wellington by the applicants in person or by the spouse or by the parents in case of minors. Alternatively, they can also be submitted by post along with a self-addressed envelope. |
6. |
What is the processing time of application? |
6-8 weeks (if there is not technical problem viz. non-acceptance of photographs etc.). Please note that the OCI applications are processed in consultation with concerned authorities in Delhi. Upon completion and approval, OCI cards are couriered to the High Commission by concerned Government of India authorities in Delhi. Processing of OCI application could hence take 6-8 weeks. For ascertaining the status of the application online, queries could be made at https://ociservices.gov.in/ |
7. |
Facing problems relating to access to online registration for fresh application or transfer through miscellaneous registration. What should I do? |
Please read all instructions contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs Website: (https://ociservices.gov.in/) with special attention to items: BROCHURE, F.A.Q. & F.A.Q.OCI MISCELLANEOUS, etc, therein. If problems persist, please contact Dr. B. N. Shetty by email shettybn[at]nic[dot]in to sort out problems faced. |
8. |
Can I print an application form and fill it handwritten? |
No, application form has to be filled online only and printed. Part B can be handwritten and a separate copy has to be attached with all the applicants. |
9. |
I/my child cannot sign; can we leave the signature box empty? |
No. Signature box cannot be left empty in any case. Please provide a thumb print for the person who cannot sign. |
10. |
What documents have to be submitted with the application? |
Download OCI Check-list |
11. |
What documents would qualify for “Any other proof” for evidence of self or parents or grandparents being eligible for grant of an OCI? |
Any documentary evidence like a school certificate, Agricultural land ownership certificate, birth certificate etc. through which eligibility for issue of OCI could be reasonably ascertained. |
12. |
How many copies of application have to be submitted? |
Only one Set of Application has to be submitted for each applicant. |
13. |
Where to submit the application? |
To the Indian Mission/ Post of the country of citizenship of the applicant. If the applicant is not in the country of citizenship, to the Indian Mission/Post of the country where he is ordinarily residing. If the applicant is in India, to the FRRO Amritsar, Bangalore, Kozhikode, Chennai, Kochi, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Mumbai, Kolkota, and Thiruvanathapuram as per specified Jurisdiction of the FRRO concerned. |
14. |
Can a person apply in the country where he is ordinarily residing? |
Yes. The applicant must be permanent a resident and/or must be residing in New Zealand for more than 2 years |
15. |
Can foreign nationals, who are not otherwise eligible for OCI, get OCI if they are married to persons who are eligible for OCI? |
The spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an Overseas Citizen of India cardholder registered under section 7A and whose marriage has been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years immediately preceding the presentation of the application can apply for OCI. |
16. |
Is an applicant who had held nationality of Pakistan or Bangladesh, eligible for OCI? |
No, If the applicant has ever been a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh, he / she will not be eligible for OCI. |
17. |
Are 'Empire of India' Passports issued by the British authorities in India prior to Indian Independence accepted as a proof of Indian Origin? |
No, if they state the National Status of the holder as British subject by birth. If they state the National Status of the holder as person of British Protectorate, originally a citizen of a place in India, then these will be accepted. |
18. |
Is there an emergency service for OCI? |
No. In case of emergency, please apply for visa. |
19. |
I am an OCI holder. What documents should I carry while travelling to India? |
OCI holders should carry both (a) the Passport bearing 'LIFE LONG' Visa Sticker and (b) the OCI booklet. However, the requirement of Life-long visa sticker is likely to be dispensed with In the future. In such an eventuality, applicants Must carry their foreign passports for verification of their nationality/identity along with the OCI card issued by the Government of India.
Vide circular No. 26011/06/2015-OCI dated 29th January, 2015 of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, all immigration authorities in India will not insist on production of the foreign passport containing the 'U' Visa Sticker in the case of OCI Cardholders while they enter/exit India and the immigration clearance will be granted based on production of the 'OCI CARD ONLY'.
20. |
Can OCI applications be made in India? |
Yes. Any applicant wishing to apply in India may see details at Item no.6 at the Ministry of Home Affairs website https://ociservices.gov.in/ |
21. |
Can I travel to India during the process of OCI? |
Yes, you can apply visa and travel to India but it is recommended to check status of application before you apply for visa. |
22. |
I travelled on my mother’s/father’s passport to New Zealand Can I apply? |
Yes, in all such cases where the child’s name is included on their parent passport that passport has to be surrendered first. If you have not already done so; you will be required to comply with the renunciation of Indian citizenship procedures as prescribed by the Government of India. However if any of the additional nationalities held by the applicant are not eligible for OCI, the OCI will not be granted. |
23. |
If the registration as an OCI is not granted, what amount will be refunded? |
Here is the link of updated payment details : https://www.hciwellington.gov.in/content/1715058357newpayment_7_may.pdf |
24. |
If a person is already holding more than one nationality, can he/she apply for OCI? |
Yes. |
25. |
Whether an OCI be entitled to apply for and obtain a normal Indian passport which is given to a citizen of India? |
No. Indian Passports are given only to Indian citizen. |
26. |
Do the applicants who have applied on the earlier prescribed application form have to apply again in the new form? |
No. All such applications will be considered for registration as an OCI without seeking fresh applications and fees. New fee will be applicable at the time of submission / re-submission of application. |
27. |
Can an OCI holder undertake Research work in India? |
Yes, after getting prior approval/special permission from MHA. |
28. |
Can a person renounce OCI? |
Yes. He/she has to declare their intention of renunciation in Form XXII to the Indian Mission/Post where OCI registration was granted. After receipt of the declaration, the Indian Mission/Post shall issue an acknowledgement in Form XXII A. A separate application form is available for this purpose. |
29. |
I have a PIO card, do I need to apply for OCI? |
PIO Card scheme has been withdrawn hence all PIO card holders would need to apply for conversion to OCI card. The last date for submission of applications for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of the PIO card online has been extended till 30th June, 2016. This cut-off date will be only for submission of the applications online by the applicants. A separate online application form for submission of application for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of PIO card is available in the website : https://www.hciwellington.gov.in/page/conversion-of-pio-to-oci/
30. |
I have a new passport, do I need to renew my PIO Card? |
PIO Card scheme has been withdrawn hence all PIO card holders would need to apply for conversion to OCI card. The last date for submission of applications for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of the PIO card online has been extended till 30th June, 2016. This cut-off date will be only for submission of the applications online by the applicants. A separate online application form for submission of application for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of PIO card is available in the website :https://www.hciwellington.gov.in/page/conversion-of-pio-to-oci/ |
31. |
Whether a civil Govt. servant working in the Ministry of Defence as IT engineers/civil contractors is entitled for OCI? |
No. |
32. |
Whether foreign military personnel are eligible for grant of OCI? |
NO, foreign military personnel either in service or retired are not entitled for grant of OCI. |
33. |
Would the Indian civil/criminal laws be applicable to persons registered as OCI? |
Yes, for the period OCI card holder is living in India. |
34. |
What are the consequences of furnishing wrong information or suppressing material information? |
All the applications will be subject to pre or post enquiry depending on whether any adverse information is voluntarily reported in the application or not. If the Government comes to the know that any false information was furnished or material information was suppressed, the registration as OCI already granted shall be cancelled by an order under section 7D of the Citizenship Act, 1955. The persons will also be blacklisted thereby banning his/her entry into India. |
35. |
Will the applicant lose his Citizenship after registering as an OCI? |
No. |
36. |
Can a person registered as an OCI travel to protected area/restricted area without permission? |
No. He/She will be required to seek Protected Area Permit (PAP)/ Restricted Area Permit (RAP) for such visits |
37. |
Can a person registered as an OCI be granted Indian citizenship? |
Yes. As per the provisions of section 5(1) (g) of the Citizenship Act,1955, a person who is registered as an OCI for 5 years and is residing in India for 1 year out of the above 5 years, is eligible to apply for Indian Citizenship. |
38. |
Will an OCI be granted gratis to certain categories of people? |
No. |
39. |
Is the OCI entitled to voting rights? |
No. |
40. |
Is the OCI entitled to hold constitutional post in India? |
No. |
41. |
Is the OCI entitled to hold Government posts in India? |
No, except for the posts specified by an order by the Central Government. |
42. |
Whether nationals of Commonwealth countries are eligible for the OCI? |
Yes, if they fulfill the eligibility criteria. |